Pack of 2(two) Custom names keychains! Can be two different names, and different colors! Colors availables: RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT PURPLE YELLOW BLUE ORANGE WHITE BLACK GREY YELLOW GOLD The offer it is for one pack of 2(two) keychain with your custom name. R E M E M B E R: Can be different colors and different names. Please dont forget to send me a message with the names spelling and colors. Double check that the names doesnt have typo errors. Please feel free to contact me and ask me about all the details that you need. The aprox measure of the keychaing is 18mm(0.7 inch) x 10mm(0.40 inch) of letter height, and the length it will depend on the name, the price corresponds to a two names and no more than 9 letters each one. ###################################################### Llaveros con tu nombre personalizado! colores disponibles ROJO VERDE CLARO MORADO CLARO AMARILLO AZUL NARANJA BLANCO NEGRO GRIS AMARILLO DORADO Las dimensiones aproximadas serán de 18mm de altura, 10mm grosor de letras, y el largo dependerá el largo del nombre. El precio corresponde a un pack de 2(dos) llaveros hasta 9 letras en total del largo de cada nombre. Pueden ser dos nombres diferentes y en colores diferentes.